Sep. 11, 2024

MIDDLETOWN – Rep. Tom Mehaffie (R-Dauphin) will host a free breakfast Friday, Nov. 8, for veterans and active-duty military personnel from the 106th District. Attendees must pre-register, as space is limited.

“This veterans’ breakfast is really the highlight of the year for me and a cherished time to thank men and women who wore a uniform in the armed services,” Mehaffie said. “Every year, we see some old friends, mourn ones who have passed and meet new people.”

The breakfast will be held from 8-10 a.m. at Lower Swatara Fire Department, 1350 Fulling Mill Road, Middletown.

Accommodations can be made for attendees with disabilities.

For more information or to register, call 717-534-1323.

The 106th District includes all or part of East Hanover, South Hanover, Derry, Lower Swatara, Londonderry, and Conewago townships as well as Middletown, Royalton and Hummelstown boroughs.

Representative Tom Mehaffie
106th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Jennifer Fitch
717.260.6563 /
