The Mehaffie Message 7/26/24 - Emailed Newsletter
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Mehaffie Message
#Listrak\DateStampLong# The latest news from the State Capitol

Jughandle on EB Route 322 at Witmer Road in Swatara Township is Open to Traffic
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) announced yesterday that the new jughandle on eastbound Route 322 at Witmer Road in Swatara Township is open to traffic. The jughandle, which is located slightly more than half a mile west of the Route 322/Chambers Hill Road intersection, was constructed as part of the Route 322/Chambers Hill Road Improvement Project.

This jughandle is the new access to Milroy Road/Grayson Road/Hilton Street for motorists heading eastbound on Route 322. A new traffic signal at Route 322 and Witmer Road has been activated to allow jughandle traffic to cross over Route 322 to Witmer Road. Motorists should then follow Witmer Road to Grayson Road for access to Milroy Road and Hilton Street. The new signalized intersection also allows motorists to turn left onto eastbound Route 322 from Witmer Road.
The current left turn lane on eastbound Route 322 at the Route 322/Chambers Hill Road intersection is permanently closed. No left turns from eastbound Route 322 are permitted at this intersection.

Additionally, the westbound Route 322 designated right turn lane at the Route 322/Chambers Hill Road intersection is temporarily closed for ongoing construction activities. There is one through/right turn lane, one designated through lane, and one designated left turn lane on westbound Route 322 at the intersection.

This work is part of the reconstruction of the intersection of Route 322 with Grayson Road and Chambers Hill Road in the township.

The Route 322 signalized intersection with Grayson Road and Chambers Hill Road (Route 3006) is being reconstructed to four approaches with left-turn lanes removed from Route 322.

One through lane will be added in each direction of Route 322. Eastbound Route 322 left turns will be replaced with the new jug handle and signal at Witmer Road. Westbound Route 322 left turns will be replaced with a new roundabout and bypass lanes at the intersection with Milroy Road and Grayson Road.

Construction of three retaining walls will accommodate the widening and geometry, as well as the addition of dynamic message signs, stormwater management basins, drainage, guiderail, barrier, signs and upgraded pavement markings and other miscellaneous construction.

This project is expected to be completed by Aug. 18, 2027.
Do You Have Unclaimed Property Coming Your Way?
With more than one in 10 Pennsylvanians owed some of the state’s $4.5 billion in unclaimed property, the General Assembly has adopted a new law to streamline the return of certain properties.

The Pennsylvania Money Match program authorizes Treasury to automatically return single-owner properties valued up to $500 after a thorough identification and verification process. At least 14 other states have successfully implemented similar programs.

Pennsylvania Money Match will not affect claims for properties valued above $500 or those that have multiple owners or other complexities. Those claimants will still need to file a claim and provide any required supporting documentation. You can check to see if you have unclaimed property by visiting Treasury’s website at If you need assistance with filing a claim, please contact my office. You do not need to pay anyone to help claim what is yours.

Act 81 of 2024 takes effect in mid-January.

Financial Relief Grants Available to Eligible Veterans, Beneficiaries
The Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) offers financial assistance to veterans who are facing an unexpected financial hardship. The Veterans Temporary Assistance (VTA) program provides eligible Pennsylvania veterans and their beneficiaries with financial relief for necessities of life such as food, shelter, fuel, and clothing.

Eligible veterans or their beneficiaries can qualify for an amount not to exceed $1,600 in a 12-month period. Eligibility requirements include: a person who served in the Armed Forces of the United States (discharged under honorable conditions), died in service or was killed in action, or suffered a service-connected disability.

For more information about the program’s criteria, eligibility and needed documentation, go to Veterans Temporary Assistance. To apply, eligible veterans should contact the County Veterans Affairs Directors in the county in which they reside.

Ensuring Veterans Access to Services
The state’s successful PA VetConnect program, which serves our more than 700,000 veterans, is now established under state law.

Administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA), PA VetConnect is designed to help determine the needs of veterans and their beneficiaries, find resources that meet those needs and connect veterans with those resources.

The database of resources enables local veteran advocates – including staff at county veterans affairs offices – to point veterans to information, resources, programs and services in their area and across the Commonwealth.

Act 70 of 2024 takes effect in mid-September.

PennDOT Seeking Workers for Winter Maintenance Program
While we are still feeling the summer heat, PennDOT is preparing for cooler temperatures by gearing up for its winter maintenance program.

Positions available may include CDL equipment operators, mechanics, dispatchers, tradesman helpers and semi-skilled laborers. The positions pay between $16.04 per hour to $27.75 per hour. The winter maintenance program runs from September through April.

Anyone wishing to apply should visit and go to the PennDOT Winter Maintenance Program posting under the “Open Jobs” section of the website.

Out and About
It was a picture-perfect summer day for an ice cream social with Manada Conservancy on National Ice Cream Day earlier this week near Hummelstown. The conservancy, established in 1997, is a land trust dedicated to preserving the natural, historic, agricultural and scenic resources of Dauphin County through land conservation, environmental education and community engagement. I am pictured with Manada Conservancy Executive Director Will Dingman.

I enjoyed giving a tour of the historic Capitol building today to interns who were visiting with John Hershey, director of the Pennsylvania Department of Auditor General’s Office of Legislative Affairs. We had a great time and they had lots of insightful questions.

Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events
Tuesday, Aug. 6, serves as National Night Out, an annual event designed to link first responders with the communities they serve. The 106th District is fortunate to have several locations for families to enjoy National Night Out with giveaways, food, music and more. They include:

Derry Township – 6 to 8 p.m., first block of West Caracas Avenue, Hershey

East Hanover/South Hanover/West Hanover Townships – 6 to 8 p.m. at Patriot Park, 161 Patriot Way, Hummelstown

Lower Swatara Township – 6 to 8 p.m. at Lower Swatara Volunteer Fire Hall, 1350 Fulling Mill Road, Middletown

Hummelstown – 7 to 9 p.m. at Schaffner Park, Poplar Avenue and Water Street, Hummelstown

Additionally, I will host a Home Title Protection Seminar Thursday, Sept. 19, from 10 a.m. to noon at Middletown Volunteer Fire Hall, 10 Adelia St., Middletown. The Dauphin County Recorder of Deeds Office will discuss a fraud alert service to protect your home’s title from theft and the 106th District’s annual Veterans Breakfast will be held on Friday, November 8th from 8-10 a.m. at the Lower Swatara Fire Department, 1350 Fulling Mill Road, Middletown. Call 717-534-1323 to reserve your seat at either of these events.