Oct. 19, 2023

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Mehaffie Message
#Listrak\DateStampLong# The latest news from the State Capitol
Register for my Upcoming Veterans Breakfast


Be sure to register for my veterans appreciation breakfast on Friday, Nov. 3, from 8-10 a.m. at the Lower Swatara Fire Department, 1350 Fulling Mill Road, Middletown. This event is open to active-duty military personnel and veterans. Accommodations can be made for disabled attendees requiring assistance.

Seating is limited and registration is required online at RepMehaffie.com or by calling the district office at 717-534-1323. Please RSVP by the extended deadline of Oct. 25.

At the event, we will be collecting worn, torn and defaced U.S. flags for proper disposal. The Dauphin County Veterans Affairs Office is also scheduled to be on-hand to answer any questions, and the Dauphin County Recorder of Deeds office will be on-site to register discharge papers, DD214s, and issue cards for the county’s Veteran ID Discount Card program.                                     