Oct. 31, 2023

WHAT: Rep. Tom Mehaffie (R-Dauphin) is hosting an appreciation breakfast for active-duty military or veterans who have registered to attend. At the event, worn, torn and defaced U.S. flags will be collected for proper disposal. The Dauphin County Office of Veterans Affairs will be on-hand to answer any questions, and the Dauphin County Recorder of Deeds Office will be on-site to register discharge papers, DD214s, and issue cards for the county’s Veteran ID Discount Card program.

WHO: Mehaffie will be joined by the Commander of the 193rd Special Operations Wing, local officials and Dauphin County Officials, including those who provide services to veterans, and roughly 175 veterans, including eleven who are ages 90 and older and two who are WWII Veterans.

WHEN: Friday, Nov. 3, 8-10 a.m.

WHERE: The Lower Swatara Fire Department, 1350 Fulling Mill Road, Middletown.

Media contact: Matthew Davis, 717.787.3994, MDavis@pahousegop.com