Nov. 03, 2023
HARRISBURG – State Rep. Tom Mehaffie (R-Dauphin) hosted his annual Veterans Breakfast on Friday, Nov. 3, from 8-10 a.m. for veterans and active-duty military.
“Recognizing the sacrifices and service of our military men and women is incredibly important,” stated Mehaffie, “Hosting events like this is a small way of saying thank you and giving back that pales in comparison to what they gave every American.”
Mehaffie welcomed roughly 175 veterans to the event this year, including nine who were over the age of 90.
At the event, worn, torn and defaced U.S. flags were collected for proper disposal. The Dauphin County Commissioners and the commander of the 193rd Special Operations Wing participated in the program. Also, the Dauphin County Office of Veterans Affairs was on-hand to answer questions, and the Dauphin County Recorder of Deeds Office was also in attendance to register discharge papers, DD214s, and issue cards for the county’s Veteran ID Discount Card program.
For more information on this event and future events hosted by Mehaffie, you can visit or