Dec. 19, 2023
HARRISBURG – State Rep. Tom Mehaffie (R-Dauphin) today announced the approval of more than $3.5 million in state assistance for water and sewer projects in the 106th Legislative District.
The following projects were approved by the Commonwealth Financing Authority, an independent agency of the Department of Community and Economic Development:
• Municipal Authority of Lower Swatara Township – $1,433,856 from the H2O Grant Program to assist an interceptor improvement project and $401,500 from the Pennsylvania Small Water and Sewer Grant Program for sanitary sewer improvements in Lower Swatara Township.
• East Hanover Township - $500,000 to fund the replacement of aging storm sewer pipes in the Village of Grantville.
• South Hanover Township - $500,000 for the construction of a new sewage pump station and conveyance force main and $450,000 to assist with the replacement of a sewage force main located in South Hanover.
• Royalton Borough Authority - $200,000 to fund improvements to the Water Street Pump Station in Royalton Borough.
“Because of my municipal background and experience serving on a sewer authority, I understand the importance of working with unfunded mandates of the EPA. It is paramount to assist authorities and municipalities to hopefully prevent them from passing along costs to their residents. I am glad to have worked to bring this important funding to Dauphin County,” shared Mehaffie. “This funding marks a great investment in the public health and quality of life for residents of the 106th Legislative District.”
Representative Thomas Mehaffie
106th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Matthew Davis
717.787-3994 /