Medical, Biobehavioral Research Awarded Grants

Dec. 30, 2020 /

HARRISBURG – Penn State College of Medicine and Penn State Harrisburg have been awarded grants to continue their cutting-edge research, according to Sen. John DiSanto (R-15), Sen. Dave Arnold (R-48) and Rep. Tom Mehaffie (R-Dauphin).

Mehaffie Supports 2020-21 Budget

Nov. 20, 2020 /

HARRISBURG – Rep. Tom Mehaffie (R-Dauphin) voted “yes” Friday on a $32 billion budget that finishes work started in May.

Mehaffie’s Bill Provides for Frontline Workers

Jul. 31, 2020 /

HARRISBURG – Rep. Tom Mehaffie (R-Dauphin) introduced a bill this week to expand paid sick leave to essential workers excluded by the federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act.

Mehaffie: Temporary Budget a Smart Step

May. 26, 2020 /

HARRISBURG – The House of Representatives on Tuesday passed a five-month temporary budget to allow more details about tax revenue to emerge following the peak of the COVID-19 crisis.

Mehaffie Applauds Passage of COVID-19 Bills

Apr. 15, 2020 /

HARRISBURG –The Pennsylvania House of Representatives advanced legislation Tuesday, April 14, to help eligible first responders who get COVID-19, direct the PA Health Care Cost Containment Council to gather data on the health care response, allow businesses to reopen if they choose and adhere to safety guidelines, and help notaries do their work via audio-video communication, according to Rep. Tom Mehaffie (R-Dauphin), who supported the measures.